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I feel closest to Jesus while I’m driving. I like to worship while speeding down the highway *going 62 while blasting Christian music really makes a statement.*

Music has always been an essential connection point between God and me. And as a counterpart, I’ve noticed that music is a tool the enemy uses to get to me. I have always had an incredible memory when it comes to music, so sometimes I sing along to songs I barely know and then realize what I’m speaking into the world – and then I tend to make excuses for it. I like to hide behind the fact that the tune is catchy or fun or that the lyrics are introspective. Whatever the reason, I am not always at my best with my love of music and lyricism. Recently somebody told me that Satan was in charge of music in heaven. Although we cannot confirm his job in heaven, we know that angels worship, and because of that, I assume they would be very well-versed in music. Looking at the entertainment industry, it is easy to see how affected we are by the media we consume, even if it is unintentional. For about a year and a half, I’ve had an understanding that the words I say have weight. The Lord and I have had many conversations where He reminds me that my voice has power, and He is teaching me how to use my voice to glorify Him. I’ve learned that speaking things over myself and over other people can have consequences if it isn’t done with the right heart. Since music is so important to me, I decided to share that passion with you. So, may I present Deborah’s Current Jesus Jams, the DCJJ, also known as the fullness of the Jesus tunes, in hopes of bringing a little light to your day and putting a smile on your face.

I prefer quiet music that makes you feel at peace and at home. Just so you know, haha.

The first song on the list today is: Caught In The Reeds (Moses) by Chris Renzema.
This is an excellent depiction of knowing one thing and feeling another. It shows the journey that Moses had and portrays him in an even more relatable light. There is rarely a time that I read a story about Moses and don’t find myself in the pages. We look at when he met with God and told Him that He had the wrong guy, and we are reminded that it was Moses who killed the Egyptian and smashed the tablets, and many other things. But we also see Moses trying to follow the Lord, and we see miracles performed by Gods hand through Moses and his faith. Even though he made mistakes, it shows that God did not call perfect people to be his servants and gives us a great example of overcoming our hardships and following Him regardless of what we feel we are capable of doing.
My favorite lines are “I’ve seen signs and wonders, things I can’t understand. So why do I keep on doubting that You’re my promised land?” and “Your word, it has split seas, it sets captives free, and I want to live in that light.”
Even when you know who God is and see what He does, it’s still very typical to experience doubt and unbelief. The challenge is remaining faithful and steadfast despite our human nature.

Next, we have: i’m remembering by Taylor Armstrong.
While I am unsure how I feel about his discography as a whole, this song hits me right in my heart. Regardless of where I am or what I am doing, it is a gentle reminder that He has already given me everything I need. Even in the darkest moments of life, he has still blessed me. I look at every experience in my life and label it prep work. The Lord gave me that phrase a long time ago, and it helps me keep a positive spin on whatever chaos is taking place. I get to use whatever I am going through to relate to others and show them the love of God. “Prep work” means that I can immediately reach people on a deeper level, and build trust with others easily because of my testimony. His grace is beautiful. The little reminders, like the ones in this song, help to keep me in the right headspace as we are supposed to count it all joy whenever we face any trials. Perspective changes everything.
Favorite lines include: “Heavenly Father, I’m at the alter. Come light the fire in me again.” and quite simply, “Teach my heart to worry less.”
This is a song so full of the simple joys of life. He is who we seek, and His blessings remain constant in the daze of life.

Today’s last installment : L E P E R S by Joshua Leventhal.
I stumbled across this song while I was having dinner with Jesus once. Immediately I noticed how captivating it was to have a song explicitly mention lepers. It was a term I’d seen repeatedly in the Bible, but I had never seen somebody use it in modern times. I could tell it was special and depicted such an important message. Finding this song was the first time I researched leprosy and what it meant in biblical times.
Lines that bring me joy include: “All ye lepers, brokenhearted, come to the One who can take your shame.” and “Just come and be healed by His love.”
We are all broken. We are all full of shame and heartache, but He makes us whole and takes away that pain. His presence is so sweet and so full of life. And I am grateful that regardless of my infirmary, He still wants me to be with Him.

Hopefully, this will start a series of occasional entries on what music I’m listening to and it’s significance to me. I love how everybody can be going through something different, and God meets us in worship individually. What a blessing it is that we have such a special way of connecting to our Lord and Savior.